With our smaller class size and a twelve to one max student to teacher ratio, our dedicated staff is able to provide not only an accelerated curriculum for our students, but also more individualized instruction that benefits students who need additional help and support in an academic skill.
Our absolute commitment to daily experiences in music, art, foreign languages, and physical education, including yoga, distinguishes us from other schools, including other private schools. The indispensability of these learning opportunities is central to our educational philosophy of developing the whole child. It is our sincere belief that, along with highly responsive instructional practices in core academic subjects, cultural growth begets social and inner growth, and brings out the absolute best in each student.
Schedule a tour today for further information about our 8th Grade program!
Eighth Grade Curriculum
- Equations
- Inequalities
- Polynomials
- Factoring
- Graphing
- Systems of Equations
- Rational Expressions
- Radicals
- Functions
- Quadratic Equation
- Multi-step Equations
- Geometry (Pythagorean Theorem)
- The Writing Process
- Sentence, Paragraph, and Composition Structure and Style
- Autobiographical Writing
- Short Story Writing
- Descriptive Writing
- Persuasive Writing
- Compare and Contrast
- Cause and Effect
- How-To Essays
- Research Reports
- Response to Literature
- Writing for Assessment
Grammar, Usage, and Mechanics
- Nouns
- Pronouns
- Adjectives
- Adverbs
- Prepositions
- Conjunctions
- Interjections
- Basic Sentence Parts
- Phrases
- Clauses
- Making Words Agree
- Using Modifiers
- Punctuation Capitalization
Academic and Workplace Skills
- Speaking
- Listening
- Viewing
- Representing
- Vocabulary and Spelling
- Reading Skills
- Study, Reference, and Test-Taking Skills
- Huckleberry Finn
- Julius Caesar
- King Arthur
Carden Spelling and Vocabulary
- 50 Spelling words per week
- Spelling worksheets taken from the Carden Spelling Book 8
- About 15-16 Vocabulary words per week
History and Geography
- The Revolutionary War
- The Constitution
- The Civil War
- Cultural Geography
Exploring the people of the world and their national identities
Mapping and map reading skills will be emphasized
- The Scientific Method
- Physical Science
Properties of Matter
Physical and Chemical Change
The Periodic Table
Electricity and Magnetism